Ep 92: This week, Amy and Emily take the podcast live to the Turning Point Young Women’s Leadership Summit. The first of many special guests, the girls sit down with Dianna Muller – the Founder of the DC Project. She is a retired 22-year veteran of the Tulsa Police Department and two-time national 3-gun champion and professional shooter. Dianna speaks on her perspective on gun control and breaking down the many myths of the current climate around firearms including background checks, Red Flag laws, Safe Storage Laws, Age of Purchasing, and why education is more important than any proposed legislation.
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Resources & Links:
- Dianna Muller: https://www.instagram.com/di3gun/
- DC Project: https://www.dcproject.info/
- https://www.instagram.com/dc_projectfoundation/
- Congressional Switchboard: (202)-224-3121
Follow Your Hosts:
- Amy Robbins | Alexo Athletica @theamyrobbins | http://www.alexoathletica.com
- Emily Valentine | Style Me Tactical @stylemetactical | http://www.stylemetactical.com
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